Interview Tips for New Moms


Most women need outfits that transition from day to evening seamlessly. Of late I have been rushing from day to school events.
Coming to the topic, if your new year's resolution is to re-join work force after a break in career, here are some pointers you can use. Again like with all tips, choose the ones that suit you and take it with a grain of salt. The only industry I know of is technology, so I am going to simply stick to it.

Wake Up and Smell the Coffee


Yep 2011 is already here and I am so behind on my posts***.
With my husband out of town, its been another crazy week. I can't tell you how glad I am that he is back. All single moms out there - You rock!!! One sweet girl who works for me sent through my husband some amazing tiramisu from Long Island City(LIC), NY. She talks to me all the time about this eatery right next to our workplace in LIC. Finally I got to taste it. It was divine. With all that Italian caffeine/espresso in my system, I am wide awake and hence this post.

of Jicama and Avarice


Bad hair day - Pathetic
Daughter winning school spelling championship - Proud Moment !!!
Not promising a puppy for winning - Phew ! Narrow escape
We took her out to celebrate at a local favorite restaurant called Champps. The minute we land, she goes, "Mommy, they spelt the word wrong". Now we have to be real careful with a spelling champ at home. 

Fashion Show Mall, Vegas


I love vacations where we get some physical activity like hiking, biking and of course walking up and down the strip counts too. We did not go to the mall in the intention of shopping but decided to give our tiring legs some rest and possibly some refueling.  The Fashion Show Mall as the name suggests hosts periodic fashion shows during the weekends, with each show lasting about 10 -15 minutes. The show is all about wearable clothes sold in the mall (the later is obvious, isn't?).

Kids n Vegas


The best and must see shows not only for kids are the free ones like the Musical Water Fountains at Bellagio and the Volcano at Mirage. If you have seen the pirates one at Treasure Island before, its a bit modified now.  So do check out reviews to see if your kids are ready for it.
As we entered the Dolphin Habitat and the Secret Garden of Siegfried & Roy the trainers were feeding the dolphins. The dolphins ate and nothing spectacular happened. Just as we started cribbing about the 15$ entrance fee, three generations of dolphins (grandma, mommy and daughter) started flipping in the air. The youngest was mischievous with the cleaner/trainer who was in the water doing his work. She kept the spectators entertained for a while. Do note, there are no rehearsed shows here, just natural behaviors of dolphins as you would see in the wild. So your experience can be completely different from mine. The highlight of the secret garden are the white tigers including a couple of white baby tigers.

Jean-Philippe Chocolates, Vegas


I am back to work and that sure says a lot about my winnings at Vegas *wink. I played a little and lost 50% of my playing budget with in a couple of minutes. I left the casino with the remainder of my stash, while hubby dear continued playing. His stash increased, decreased, increased and finally vanished. Well, unless you play poker, you are playing against the house and chances are you will lose eventually.

Miracle Mile Shops


On one of my regular visits to the book store I stumbled upon the book "The Skinny Bitch". I was more intrigued by the 'what not to eat' section than the 'what to do' section of the book. The list was long and suggested avoiding caffeine, alcohol, meat, milk, eggs and if there were more, I did not want to know about it. I wondered how doable this list was. Apart from milk, I have been off the rest of the list for a while now. To my surprise, I don't miss a thing.


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