My Stint At Running
Starting Point
Even before you start running, you can train your body by walking 3 miles or more once or twice a week. Social walks are a good way to incorporate exercise into your day and are way better than happy hour with friends.
Good Running Shoes
What goes into a good running shoes depends on how you run, which part of your feet you land on, what you weigh etc etc. I tried stability shoes but realized they were not for me. It was weighing me down. I prefer light neutral shoes.
Running Form
The best part about running with a group along with a coach is to get some good feedback on your running form. The right form can make sure your energy is spent on moving forward and not wasted else where.
Running in the Rain
By rain I mean rain sans lightning. I tried it once but I doubt if I will do it again. If you decide to run in te rain, do remember to wear wick free clothing including socks.
Travel & Running
I was in Richmond, VA for a week during the training period. A week long break from running can impact if you are a first time runner. A 20 minute run on the treadmill even two times a week on travel can help.
What to/not to Eat
I don't think I have figured this yet. But lesser the food better it is.
Losing Weight and Injuries
You will find good distance runners in all shapes and sizes. If you are running to lose weight, you might want to start watching in those calories.
Good Days and Bad Days
There will be days you will breeze through your running goal and some days struggle. My coach once said, to run well, your lungs, legs and heart need to function cohesively together. This is not verbatim, but you get the point.
Even before you start running, you can train your body by walking 3 miles or more once or twice a week. Social walks are a good way to incorporate exercise into your day and are way better than happy hour with friends.
Good Running Shoes
What goes into a good running shoes depends on how you run, which part of your feet you land on, what you weigh etc etc. I tried stability shoes but realized they were not for me. It was weighing me down. I prefer light neutral shoes.
Running Form
The best part about running with a group along with a coach is to get some good feedback on your running form. The right form can make sure your energy is spent on moving forward and not wasted else where.
Running in the Rain
By rain I mean rain sans lightning. I tried it once but I doubt if I will do it again. If you decide to run in te rain, do remember to wear wick free clothing including socks.
Travel & Running
I was in Richmond, VA for a week during the training period. A week long break from running can impact if you are a first time runner. A 20 minute run on the treadmill even two times a week on travel can help.
What to/not to Eat
I don't think I have figured this yet. But lesser the food better it is.
Losing Weight and Injuries
You will find good distance runners in all shapes and sizes. If you are running to lose weight, you might want to start watching in those calories.
Good Days and Bad Days
There will be days you will breeze through your running goal and some days struggle. My coach once said, to run well, your lungs, legs and heart need to function cohesively together. This is not verbatim, but you get the point.