Fin Fun
My little boy turned seven this past weekend. He's still an animal lover. We took the day off to celebrate his special day. He decided he wanted to see Sealife in Grapevine and lunch at Rainforest Cafe. He's still an animal lover. Nothing's changed there. Rainforest Cafe is still his favorite restaurant. Sealife is not too bad, considering it was hot outside. It's a nice place to take the kids during Summer when the temperature roars up in the 100s. You will be glad you picked something indoors.
We had his party at the local community swimming pool. What better place to host a bunch of free spirited seven year old boys. I tried telling him, the intent of the party is to have fun with the friends and is really not the gifts/presents. I am sure none of that reached his head. But sure, it will slowly and gradually with time and constant reinforcement.
Celebrate Life,