Montreal City, Canada


Montreal City is a chef's haven with amazing places to eat. My personal favorite is the Old town with cobblestone road. We walked up and down the street visiting pastry shops and sharing desserts. You will not regret checking the weather in June as one day its cold and windy. The very next day there is a 30 degree spike in temperature.
Mont Royal is a small hill and there is a park around it like you would find in any city. I would  recommend taking the steps, if not for the view from the summit, the work out is worth your time :-).

Next we went to the Notre Dame. I am neither an architect nor a historian. So I will refrain myself from a compare and contrast of the Notre Dame in Paris and Montreal City. However in plain layman terms, I loved the exterior of the one in Paris. I found the interior of Montreal's Notre Dame intricate and ornate.
Notre Dame Basilica, Montreal
For goodies, I brought home some maple syrup and maple green tea.
Google "things to do in Montreal City" and you might find a thing or two that interests you. But nothing too extensive. This place is not for those whose idea of a vacation is "sight seeing".


Jahn 'n Style June 28, 2011 at 9:16 PM  

lovely city! :) great shots!!

rama June 29, 2011 at 9:00 PM  

Wow! you are travelling a lot this summer. Good a nice break from your routine. Montreal sounds pretty interesting and cool. So now you are back home?

mannbikram July 1, 2011 at 4:46 AM  

I missed going there , should have gone ahhhhhhhh ... had plans but somehow ended spending the days in chicago instead ..


Dimple July 14, 2011 at 11:02 AM  

montreal looks like an interesting place to visit... as usual I loved all ur pics. the one basilica is awesome :)

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