

It may not be typical, but its not unusual either for working moms to shuffle from work to a son's/daughter's class room party, lunch with the team at work and wind down at the coffee shop with a friend; all in the same day. Most moms I know would add a few more to the list but I am sure you get the point. Fridays in December are just that way and I am not complaining.

The holiday parties are right around the corner. Whether you are hosting at home, attending your company party or simply visiting the theater to watch 'Nutcracker' all over again, there are numerous occasions in December to dress up.

I usually buy one or two seasonal pieces. With a few wardrobe staples and different accessories, most of my parties are covered. This year the market is flooded with sequins and I am not too sure on how sparkly I like to get. So it's the black lace skirt for me. I know you must be busy with the decor and the menu, but don't forget to pay some attention on what you plan to wear this holiday season.

Source :
I would love to hear from you on how you would dress up a black lace skirt or simply let me know how your holiday parties are coming up.


A December 3, 2010 at 4:25 PM  

Office parties ain't the most interesting but have to attend anyway. I just came back from Coffee shop..entered a few minutes back. No one home at the moment.

SG December 3, 2010 at 8:03 PM  

Dress up a black lace skirt? Not me. We have quite a few parties to attend to. We are hosting one tomorrow (Saturday) evening. Hope it does not rain.

Geeta,  December 3, 2010 at 8:43 PM  

A - Many of my friends are from mine as well as my husband's work, so we both love work related get-togethers.

SG - LOL on your black skirt comment. Have fun at your party.

Natasha December 3, 2010 at 9:53 PM  

Yup, what are the holidays if you don't watch 'Nutcracker' ..Me and hubs are planning to sometime this holiday season..:) Love the black lace skirt..Love your pic..U r look fab and fresh :) Have a great weekend!

GB December 4, 2010 at 7:12 AM  

Love the lace....but I'd pair a lace top(not necessarily black) with a plain black skirt---

I have a couple of sweater dresses that I'll be wearing this year...we just have 2 major dos to attend this year. If anything else pops up--it'll have to be dressy top + trousers. :)

Bhargavi December 4, 2010 at 9:12 AM  

Very pretty!! love the handbag and the skirt.. have oodles of fun !

Geeta,  December 4, 2010 at 9:00 PM  

Natasha - I am going to the play tomorrow, let me know how yours goes.

Dimple - Yep, I hear lace is going to stay next spring as well.

GB - For any last minute ones, its dressy top & trousers to the rescue.

Bedazzled - TY so much.

Sunny & Star December 5, 2010 at 4:25 PM  

Cute outfit! Love your banner.

Stop by our blog and join our giveaway!

shuchita December 8, 2010 at 1:16 AM  

love the blue color of your top and the hand bag
we are not much of a party people and thankfully have no office parties to attend to

rama December 9, 2010 at 7:35 AM  

I would go for a garnet color satin blouse with that skirt. A simple pear neck piece and matching pearl drops for the ears.
Or if i am in the mood I might even go for a contrast color like red satin blouse with it.
Anyway I am sure you would look good with whatever you decide to wear with it. It is a beautiful skirt.

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