Miracle Mile Shops


On one of my regular visits to the book store I stumbled upon the book "The Skinny Bitch". I was more intrigued by the 'what not to eat' section than the 'what to do' section of the book. The list was long and suggested avoiding caffeine, alcohol, meat, milk, eggs and if there were more, I did not want to know about it. I wondered how doable this list was. Apart from milk, I have been off the rest of the list for a while now. To my surprise, I don't miss a thing.

Well, coming to the topic, I got an afternoon all to myself. I did not want to indulge in anything that involved eating or drinking. I wandered around the Miracle Mile Shops; window shopping and people watching. It was the best lazy afternoon of my vacation. I clicked a few window displays to share with you. Vegas is such a great place to people watch. Many look like celebrities in their own way.

I hear the boot leg jeans is coming back. But from my 'people watch' observations, I can tell you most are still clinging on to their skinnies tucked in gorgeous boots. Another trend on the increase is the re-appearance of converse shoes. I will leave it to you to decide if its for the young or the young at heart.


A January 3, 2011 at 6:44 PM  

I do not agree with the list for getting skinny. I think everything in moderation works. Eggs have protein. I don't drink alcohol personally but I have seen people drinking and still slim. I would suggest using commonsense. :))))

Geeta,  January 3, 2011 at 7:02 PM  

A - Please, I am one of the last few you should be worried about following a crash-course to lose a few. There are many who do not eat eggs and are still healthy.

Your comment reminded me to add something explicitly - Skinny Bitch book is not something I am recommending.

GB January 3, 2011 at 8:09 PM  

I like converse shoes---they're practical and trendy---I'm most certainly going to add some to my wardrobe this summer (I mostly wear flats in any case).

shuchita January 3, 2011 at 8:40 PM  

I don't believe in diets but ya I don't eat junk food and sweets but occasionally i eat that too
so it's everything in moderation for me too
and am not a fan of boot cut jeans but converse look ok
like the 2nd pic

shruti January 3, 2011 at 9:39 PM  

I would suggest to read the book by "Rujuta Divekar - Don't loose your mind - Loose your weight" . As per her , a person shoud eat everything but in right proportions and at right time..

Indie.Tea January 4, 2011 at 12:32 AM  

I hate those 'avoid' lists. Everyone is unique, the same things don't apply to the same people.
I hope you have a lovely 2011 :) And the Miracle Mile sounds like a fun place to walk around and people-watch.

Geeta,  January 4, 2011 at 5:49 AM  

A - Not at all, you did not offend me at all. The book has no scientific explanations behind it.

GB - Those are so comfy.

Shuchita - Agree with your comments.

Shruti - I am not a big diet book fan. But will check it out.

Indie.Tea - You will be amazed at how many lists are hanging out there in those books. Yep, people watching is fun.

Bhargavi January 4, 2011 at 6:22 AM  

I have given up any effort at going on diets... they just dont work for me..Miracle mile sounds just like the kind of a place i would want to spend a nice afternoon.

STYLE'N January 4, 2011 at 3:03 PM  

ha ha you are right...boot cut is coming back. actually it will be a nice change. I love my skinnys but I am ready to change it up. Happy New year!

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