Wake Up and Smell the Coffee


Yep 2011 is already here and I am so behind on my posts***.

With my husband out of town, its been another crazy week. I can't tell you how glad I am that he is back. All single moms out there - You rock!!! One sweet girl who works for me sent through my husband some amazing tiramisu from Long Island City(LIC), NY. She talks to me all the time about this eatery right next to our workplace in LIC. Finally I got to taste it. It was divine. With all that Italian caffeine/espresso in my system, I am wide awake and hence this post.

I come up with goals for my career, during the beginning of the year (actually right after my review in January). Work wise my team in Dallas is getting bigger and I am pretty content with where I am in my career. This year, I intend to focus on a few soft skills and high on my list is to practice patience and being assertive.

I tend to use this blog as a means to work on things I need to focus. Like a few months ago, I saw a bigger need to move out of mommy-jeans and find my style (that's age and size appropriate) all over again after 2 kids. I am out of my mommy-jeans and take care of how I look when I head out of the house. I am throughly enjoying the process of finding my style.

Now I see a need to de-clutter a lot spaces in my home. They are tidy when the house is cleaned but with in a week, everything is back to where it was before cleaning. That's a sure sign of clutter. Additionally my kids are grown now and have different needs than when they were younger. That translates to posts on storage, organization and de-clutter as well.

I foresee travel this year. You can count on a few travelogues here in my space. Take a wild guess and add a comment on where you think I am heading this year. Yes, I am one of those who plan when and where I plan to travel during the beginning of the year.

I am sure its going to be an exiting year blogging and getting to know you more via comments or your blogs. It does not matter to me whether you are a blogger or a reader. I appreciate all your comments including those who read my blog and let me know their comments via instant messenger* wink**.

Yes, you can thank me later for not talking about fitness.

***The title is more for me than you. By no means I am telling you that you have not realized 2011 is already here.


rama January 22, 2011 at 12:59 AM  

Well, I see a lot of determination in your horoscope. Travel is definitely on the list, if planned well in advance. I also for see a good tidy home, and a fit woman. You are going to take this new year in a positive way, and reap all the benefits.
Just joking: Have a great and successful year!
Enjoy your tiramisu.

Bikramjit January 22, 2011 at 3:20 AM  

hmm all the bestwith everything and yes birng the travelougues .. I love travelling and basically being a outdoor person ... i cant stay inside the house for long... :)

and yes please thank you not to talk on fitness it wud make me so guilty did not go for three days now :( bad bad ME...

and as the title coffee is always welcome :)


GB January 22, 2011 at 11:26 AM  

Yup, January's gone and done with......the year stretches ahead like a big canvas for me...there are many things on the agenda, and I shall enjoy ticking them off as the year progresses.

Ooh travel. Don't know about you but I'd head for some place exotic like say morocco. Pipe dream--at least for the next couple of years for me.

shuchita January 22, 2011 at 10:26 PM  

I also plan all my travel in advance and best of luck for all the other endevours, as per travel my guess would be europe?? am i right??

Bhargavi January 23, 2011 at 11:42 PM  

umm.. really sweet of your collegue to send you that tiramisu..I am drooling just thinking about it now.. darn! Greece maybe? or Europe? or India? :-)

Dimple January 27, 2011 at 7:46 PM  

Hmmmm my guess is also Europe and may be Egypt ... And I hope u ll achieve all your goals :) All the very best !!! I did have few but I cant call it Goals may be my wishlist in the last 2 months of 2010 and Im glad I did make it happen and I know how you feel when it works as planned .. Im right now top of the world !!! Hope You have a similar experience :)

Geeta,  January 27, 2011 at 9:57 PM  

I guess you will have to wait and see where I am going. But I can tell you so much, its not Europe.

Haddock January 28, 2011 at 3:43 AM  

I can see what you are trying to say.
Its been 3 years since we moved into our new house and I can see the clutter building up slowly and steadily.
"Must clean it up one fine day" never happens.

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