"I am a Big Boy Now ..."

Ro is now sleeping in the kids’ bedroom. For the first few days, he did come to our bed in the middle of the night and gradually that stopped as well. I know I should be glad he is on his own, but like many other parenting milestones, this is another one with mixed feelings. A trifle struggle between a part of me that wants to let go versus the part that wants to hold on.

He can swim a teeny tiny bit and I am proud of his accomplishment.

Its 11:15PM now. M and I are back from our tete-a-tete dinner at a near by Mexican restaurant. Ri and Ro are still playing at their (her) friend’s house in the neighborhood. One of the best memories I have as a kid is the freedom to non-stop playing during the summers and I am happy my kids are enjoying the same in this generation of over-scheduled or highly planned living.


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