Taken For Granted


Freshly squeezed lemonade & BBQ with friends and family to mark the beginning of 80 degree days.
Sign of new life in Spring

The first few rays of Sun.

.... and an email from my daughter's friend who moved to Japan the beginning of this year, saying they were okay. In fact she was back in school the following day after the earth quake. Luckily they are located South of Tokyo where the impact was minimal.

Don't forget to count your blessings and live life to the fullest.


Jahn 'n Style March 20, 2011 at 10:55 PM  

great that you are having a lovely time!! everyone around is so excited to welcome Spring...I'm loving the energy around :):)
Lovely pictures!!

rama March 21, 2011 at 2:35 AM  

Yes we all have to be grateful for today: we are alive and safe. We also pray for those affected.
Great pictures.

A March 21, 2011 at 10:32 AM  

Rays of sun look beautiful. Difficult picture to take but came out real good. Seems like you had fun.

suburbanmumma March 25, 2011 at 12:26 AM  

WOw!! beautiful pics,I want to reach out and take a sip of that lemonade!
And that is indeed great news about your daughter's classmate!

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